5 Tips to Overcome Failure and Drive Positive Thinking

Ever heard the saying, “when life gives you lemons, sugar, water and ice, make lemonade”? Well, neither has anyone else. You’ve likely heard the phrase without sugar, water, and ice. But why is that? Aren’t those ingredients essential to make good lemonade and be mentioned? It is an understood concept: you can’t make delicious lemonade without the other ingredients. Similarly, you can’t achieve success without hardship. The path to success is often overlooked and seen as simple; failure and struggle before success can go unnoticed from an outsider’s perspective. To ensure future success, it’s vital to understand how to cope with failure and overcome negative thinking.      

Accept How you are Feeling 

You view the world through your mental attitude. If that attitude is mostly negative, it can impact everything. Failure is linked with feelings and emotions such as sadness, anxiety, stress, anger, etc. Accepting how you feel can help form a healthy coping mechanism which, in turn, can make you work harder to find different and better solutions to your problems in the future.  

Learn From your Failures   

Learning from your failures is the single most important thing you can do to cope positively from failure. Allow yourself to accept that one path has been proven ineffective and that a redirection is in order. Understanding what you did wrong can help you be mentally more prepared and establish specific goals for the future. Fall down seven times, get up eight with confidence and the experience gained from previous losses! 

Find Inspiration  

Finding inspiration after a failure can be hard, and rightfully so. Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. Many have found help in reading a good book, spending time with loved ones, going on a trip, starting a new hobby, and practicing mindfulness.   

Read Positive Quotes   

Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts! Not only will thinking positively make you feel good, but studies have shown that it helps strengthen the immune system, reduces anxiety, and increases positive emotions; all that combined is fuel for your future success. If you’re looking for regular positivity and inspiration, follow us on our official GED TikTok page for exclusive content! 

Failure Does Not Mean Total Loss

Failure is a part of life, but don’t let it define who you are. We all fail in different aspects of life; it can be in our jobs, relationships, and so forth. Learn from your setbacks and don’t let them hold you back from accomplishing your goals with a renewed purpose. Let go of guilt, gain confidence, and love yourself to move forward. 

Hardship and struggle before success is an understood concept, though often overshadowed by the illusion of bliss. It’s essential to recognize that everyone experiences some form of failure in life and that it should be considered a learning experience, not a demonstration of your self-worth, performance, or life’s destination. To recap, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 


How about some inspiration from fellow GED students? Check out these grad stories as they share the challenges they faced during their education journey.  


  1. I am interested in studying in GED, but I am from outside America and I am serious about studying and I really want to do so. I hope to accept with you. Thank you

    1. Only by providing your education the first priority, you can overcome any issues that could happen in life.

  2. Once you understand that the GED is an open door for new opportunity. You will find a way to prioritize it in your life, don’t you?

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