GEDWorks: Success Stories

At GEDWorks™, we are proud to partner with organizations and companies nationwide to help people of all ages achieve their GED. From major companies to small employers, health plans, and non-profit organizations, […]

GED Student Highlight: Jennifer

GED Graduate Highlight: Meet Jennifer

Meet our next GED student highlight Jennifer. She overcame cancer and many other obstacles to be able to get her GED credential. Check out her story.

GED Student Highlight: Myles

GED Graduate Highlight: Meet Myles

Myles, our favorite self-professed class clown, is our latest student highlight. Myles worked extremely hard and passed the GED in just four short weeks. Check out his inspiring story.

GED Student Highlight: Lillian

GED Graduate Highlight: Meet Lillian

Meet Lillian our next GED student highlight. Lillian was inspired to pursue her GED after watch her hard-working kids working towards their degrees. Read here amazing story!

GED Student Highlight: Reggie

GED Graduate Highlight: Meet Reggie

Our next student highlight goes out to Reggie. As a special olympian he worked so hard to get his GED and overcame so many obstacles to get there. Check out his story!

GED Student Highlight: Kinzie

GED Graduate Highlight: Meet Kinzie

Our first student highlight goes out to Kinzie. She worked so hard to get her GED and overcame so many obstacles to get there. Read her story here.