GED Program Updates

News and updates for March 2023:

March Tuesday for Teachers Webinar: Join us March 28 at 2:30 PM CT for Have You Talked About “Zero” Yet? We often “talk about nothing, or zero” in day-to-day conversations. A conversation about the “zero” in RLA is certainly “nothing” and has become a serious concern for many educators and their students. We hear the concerns and need to address “the elephant in the room:” the zero in the scoring rubric. In this session, we will answer your questions about “why a zero?” and provide a deeper understanding of the zero. Join us to help students improve their writing skills on the Extended Response and real-world writing. Register today!

COABE 2023 Conference GED Events: If you are attending the Coalition on Adult Basic Education Conference from April 2nd to 3rd, 2023, be sure to stop by our GED events and information sessions. Take a look.

GED Ready® FREE Retake Offer: Students who take the GED Ready practice test and achieve a score of 145-200 on the GED Ready practice test, must schedule and pay for the real GED® test subject within 24 hours of receiving the Offer. Learn more.

Adult Educator Resources Flipbook: We’ve compiled a flipbook of GED products, programs, and services that give adult educators the tools to support their learners. Take a look.


  1. I think lowering the score for the GED math test to 140 should be considered. The math test is frustratingly unfair. There are different types of the math tests. I understand the need to switch up the test, but at the same time it is terribly confusing when you are told to study for the things you failed on your last test, but when you study for what your failed then the next test is completely different. The test is unfairly difficult and states to be basic math but is mostly algebra and geometry. There are so many people like myself that are struggling to past math. Everyone doesn’t learn on the same level even at my age I struggle to retain and comprehend the information even when I study. I have taken this test 10 times over the past 5 years. It’s depressing and confusing at the same time. I took the GED math test scored a 143, I’ve taken this several times. The math test is holding a lot of people back from getting their GED. I think with lowering the math test to 140 or not making the test with so much algebra/ geometry people will have a better chance at getting their GED and can move on with their lives and maybe further their education. If you dropped it one time before you can drop it again. If you choose not to drop the score you could at least have a different easier test for those who struggle really hard and have taken the math test multiple times and repeatedly failed. I would like to see everyone succeed but some need a little more help than others. I hope you will please consider dropping the passing score to 140 or provide alternate test choices to those who are struggling to pass math. Thank you

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